Saturday, July 30, 2016

GR: devoirs from 7/30

1.  Draw and label a place setting.

2.  Continue reviewing the food vocabulary, perhaps using some of the ideas from the bingo sheet!

3.  Sing the song from last week:

4.  Practice reading "Qu'est-ce qu'on mange" (comptine) and "On mange" (board book). 

And, consider buying some of these on-sale e-books in French for children!

Friday, July 29, 2016

NT: devoirs from 7/28

1.  Create and illustrate a book using your final draft of "Septimus le Rat."

2.  Complete the worksheets about weather vocab and the verb faire.

2.  Consider purchasing some of these on-sale French e-books for kids.

3.  Keep reviewing the grammar and vocabulary from previous lessons!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

NT: devoirs from 7/21

1.  La Marseillaise: Re-watch this bilingual video of l'hymne national français and try to sing along:

2.  Revise Septimus le rat, focusing on the following verbs: avoir (il a), être (il est), aimer (il aime).

3.  Review all the recent worksheets and handouts--vocabulary with faire, grammar with Jules César & Cléopâtre, etc.  Memorize the vocab!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

GR: devoirs from 7/16

1.  Re-read La chenille qui fait des trous aloud.  You might want to re-watch some of these videos.

2.  Complete the three Venn diagrams with food vocabulary; list at least one food for each section.

3.  Complete the description of the Petite chenille (worksheet).

4.  Sing along to Ah, les légumes: