Wednesday, August 26, 2015

devoirs from 8/25/15

1.  Finish the rest of the photocopied workbook pages.
2.  Vocab chart: look up related words to add to the word I wrote on it.
3.  Practice reading the first page of our "Roule galette" script, using the voice file I emailed your dad.
4.  Read the photocopied pages about telling time ("L'heure").

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

devoirs from 8/18/15

1.  Finish all the photocopied workbook pages

2.  Finish the "Autoportrait du lapin" sheet with sentence prompts using the new vocab--je suis, je ne suis pas....

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

devoirs from 8/11/15

1.  Revise the lapin-galette dialogue (check spelling!)

2.  Finish the cahier (workbook) pages

3.  Illustrate the Roule galette comic strip.