Thursday, March 17, 2016

NT: devoirs from 3/17

1.  Finish ex. B and C on the Vélo vocab worksheet.
2.  Continue reading the Vélo dialogue aloud.
3.  Practice reading "Finnegan le Farfadet" aloud.
4.  Practice reading the updated "En cours de français" expressions aloud (I will email these to your dad).
5.  Do the question/answer matching activity at least once more.
6.  Study the question word flashcards until you know them by heart.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

GR: devoirs from 3/12

1.  Practice reading Roule galette in two ways : reading the script aloud, and listening to the audio files of the galette and the lapine, repeating after the speaker.

2.  Continue editing and expanding the dialogue.

3.  Complete the "I can" chart.

4.  Make flashcards from the vocabulary lists (two cards for each word, illustrated, with the word written below).  Use the flashcards to play Memory, Old Maid, maybe even Go Fish (looking for pairs instead of groups of four); study the flashcards to review vocabulary.  Suggestion: if possible, use card stock or scrapbook mat paper to make the flashcards, because otherwise you'll probably be able to see the image from the other side.  Index cards seem to be too thin.

Friday, March 11, 2016

NT: devoirs from 3/10

1.  Complete the "faire du velo" vocabulary worksheet.

2.  Practice repeating the "faire du velo" dialogue (after I send it to you).

3.  Complete the question worksheet.
4.  Do the "I can..." self-assessment.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

GR: devoirs from 3/5

1.  Read pages 1-2 of the Roule galette script aloud once a day.

2.  Color the "D" worksheet.

3.  Practice singing Lundi matin :

Friday, March 4, 2016

NT: devoirs from 3/3

1.  Continue editing and expanding the dialogue between Jules César and Cléopâtre.

2.  Practice reading aloud the "vélo" dialogue.

3. Copy the vocabulary words from the "vélo" dialogue (handout).