Monday, April 25, 2016

NT: devoirs from 4/21

1.  Finish your "Septimus le Rat" story.
2.  Choose a song that we have already studied and mark the syllable breaks in each word, remembering that whenever possible, the syllable ends with a vowel in French.
3.  Finish any leftover worksheets or projects.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

GR: devoirs from 4/9 and 4/16

1.  Sing and dance with "Frère Jacques Rock 'n Roll."

2.  Choose a song that we have already learned and break all the words down into syllables, remembering to end the syllables with a vowel whenever possible.

example: Fre-re Ja-cques fre-re Ja-cques dor-mez vous dor-mez vous

Saturday, April 2, 2016

GR: devoirs from 4/2

1.  Practice singing Sur le pont d'Avignon:

2.  Continue practicing vocabulary with the bingo board activities.

3.  Rehearse Roule galette.

Friday, April 1, 2016

NT: devoirs from 3/31

1.  Read back over the list of sample questions to find three examples of questions that are not formed by the standard formula (question word + est-ce que + subject + verb); jot them down.

2.  Do the "farfadet" worksheet (adjectives, forming questions).

3.  Continue reviewing the "Spot it" vocabulary and the new expressions with "faire."

4.  Practice the numbers 1-100 by playing "Buzz."