Thursday, December 15, 2016

NT: devoirs from 12/15

1.  Continue working on your story (try one more paragraph), type it up, and email it to me.

2.  Make a list of four activities that you do (or don't do) according to each season/weather.  Use the activity vocab and weather:

En hiver, il neige, mais je ne fais pas de ski.

3.  Christmas vocab: read the words aloud (I will email the pronunciation), practice singing the two songs, and try some of the word games in the packet.

4.  If you have time: "Chercher l'intrus." Write five "find the one that doesn't match" lists for me to guess (any vocabulary--food, weather, activities, etc.).

5.  If you have time: Continue illustrating the food vocabulary.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

NT: devoirs from 12/1

1.  Adverbs: Use the worksheet to rewrite the sentences from your rough draft that have adverbs.

2.  Food vocab: Finish the drawings for each category.

3.  Devinettes: Write four riddles describing various foods.

4.  Continue developing the Rommel story.

5.  Visit one of the following French restaurants online and complete the webquest worksheet:  (organic & vegetarian restaurant in Paris) (Savoyard specialties, such as raclette) (fancy restaurant in Nîmes in the south of France)

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

GR: devoirs from 11/30

1.  Continue developing your story inspired by La chenille qui fait des trous.
2.  Keep track of each day's weather, using the calendar page and vocab handout.
3.  Reread the Quel temps fait-il aloud.
4.  Write some cherchez l'intrus games for me to figure out (use any vocabulary, not just food, if you want).
5.  Practice Vive le vent:

This is a much longer version (I only taught you the chorus), but the lyrics are onscreen.  Also, there a different line: "Boules de neige" (snowballs) and "Jour de l'an" (New Year's Day).  Below is a live-action version of the song from a Québecois television show.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

NT: devoirs from 11/17

1.  Continue developing the Rommel story.

2.  Write four devinettes about the food vocab.

3.  Complete the chercher l'intrus worksheet.

4.  Practice the virelangues.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

TA: ressources pour commencer (beginning resources)

Bienvenue (welcome) to my new students!  Since there's no point trying to pronounce words in any language if you don't know what the letters sound like, let's start with the alphabet....

"Military-style French Alphabet": An English-speaking French teacher walks you through her version of the alphabet, set to the rhythm of a familiar military cadence ("I don't know but I've been told…").  This ten-minute video is very thorough and offers opportunities to practice single lines at a time slowly and then build up to saying the whole chant more quickly:

Want someone to walk you through the alphabet ? Tom from is a young Frenchman who earnestly teaches Anglophone viewers.  Do watch this at least once so that you hear a native speaker pronouncing the letter names:

Thursday, October 27, 2016

NT: devoirs from 10/27

1.  Webquest: Visit this Savoyard restaurant to complete the worksheet about its menu.  (Click entrée to get to l'accueil, the home page.

2.  Write one or two more journal entries about your trip to la Croatie.

3.  Write a rough draft or outline of the new Rommel story.

4.  Make a shape poem about the food of your choice.  (Here are some examples in English: shape poems.)

5.  Watch several French Brain Pop episodes on nonfiction topics that interest you:  I'd suggest any of the films gratuits (the free ones--for access to all of the videos, you have to pay to subscribe) and the à la une videos (the film of the day, which changes each day).  There is also a free French Brain Pop app that you could download for a smartphone or tablet:

Thursday, October 13, 2016

NT: devoirs from 10/13

1.  Review "La chenille qui fait des trous" with this charming video of French children reading the story aloud:

Thursday, October 6, 2016

NT: devoirs from 10/6

1.  Copy your autoportrait (the about-the-author paragraph) into your Septimus book.

2.  Write another journal entry about Croatia.

3.  Review the à table vocabulary by repeating the expressions out loud (using the audio file).

4.  Make a liste des courses (grocery list) for an imaginary meal (and be prepared to tell which magasins you would visit to buy the ingredients.

5.  Read the "Eating in France" handout.

6.  Watch several French Brain Pop episodes on nonfiction topics that interest you:  I'd suggest any of the films gratuits (the free ones--to access all of the videos you have to subscribe) and the à la une videos (the film of the day, which changes each day).  There is also a free French Brain Pop app that you could download for a smartphone or tablet:

Sunday, September 25, 2016

NT: devoirs from 9/22

1.  Use the new vocabulary list and the expressions with faire to write several journal entries about your trip.

2.  Write an "about-the-author" paragraph for your Septimus book.

3.  Practice pronouncing the à table vocabulary using the voice file I emailed.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

GR: devoirs from 7/30

1.  Draw and label a place setting.

2.  Continue reviewing the food vocabulary, perhaps using some of the ideas from the bingo sheet!

3.  Sing the song from last week:

4.  Practice reading "Qu'est-ce qu'on mange" (comptine) and "On mange" (board book). 

And, consider buying some of these on-sale e-books in French for children!

Friday, July 29, 2016

NT: devoirs from 7/28

1.  Create and illustrate a book using your final draft of "Septimus le Rat."

2.  Complete the worksheets about weather vocab and the verb faire.

2.  Consider purchasing some of these on-sale French e-books for kids.

3.  Keep reviewing the grammar and vocabulary from previous lessons!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

NT: devoirs from 7/21

1.  La Marseillaise: Re-watch this bilingual video of l'hymne national français and try to sing along:

2.  Revise Septimus le rat, focusing on the following verbs: avoir (il a), être (il est), aimer (il aime).

3.  Review all the recent worksheets and handouts--vocabulary with faire, grammar with Jules César & Cléopâtre, etc.  Memorize the vocab!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

GR: devoirs from 7/16

1.  Re-read La chenille qui fait des trous aloud.  You might want to re-watch some of these videos.

2.  Complete the three Venn diagrams with food vocabulary; list at least one food for each section.

3.  Complete the description of the Petite chenille (worksheet).

4.  Sing along to Ah, les légumes:

Saturday, May 14, 2016

GR: devoirs from 5/7 and 5/14

1.  Review "La chenille qui fait des trous" with this charming video of French children reading the story aloud:

Monday, April 25, 2016

NT: devoirs from 4/21

1.  Finish your "Septimus le Rat" story.
2.  Choose a song that we have already studied and mark the syllable breaks in each word, remembering that whenever possible, the syllable ends with a vowel in French.
3.  Finish any leftover worksheets or projects.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

GR: devoirs from 4/9 and 4/16

1.  Sing and dance with "Frère Jacques Rock 'n Roll."

2.  Choose a song that we have already learned and break all the words down into syllables, remembering to end the syllables with a vowel whenever possible.

example: Fre-re Ja-cques fre-re Ja-cques dor-mez vous dor-mez vous

Saturday, April 2, 2016

GR: devoirs from 4/2

1.  Practice singing Sur le pont d'Avignon:

2.  Continue practicing vocabulary with the bingo board activities.

3.  Rehearse Roule galette.

Friday, April 1, 2016

NT: devoirs from 3/31

1.  Read back over the list of sample questions to find three examples of questions that are not formed by the standard formula (question word + est-ce que + subject + verb); jot them down.

2.  Do the "farfadet" worksheet (adjectives, forming questions).

3.  Continue reviewing the "Spot it" vocabulary and the new expressions with "faire."

4.  Practice the numbers 1-100 by playing "Buzz."

Thursday, March 17, 2016

NT: devoirs from 3/17

1.  Finish ex. B and C on the Vélo vocab worksheet.
2.  Continue reading the Vélo dialogue aloud.
3.  Practice reading "Finnegan le Farfadet" aloud.
4.  Practice reading the updated "En cours de français" expressions aloud (I will email these to your dad).
5.  Do the question/answer matching activity at least once more.
6.  Study the question word flashcards until you know them by heart.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

GR: devoirs from 3/12

1.  Practice reading Roule galette in two ways : reading the script aloud, and listening to the audio files of the galette and the lapine, repeating after the speaker.

2.  Continue editing and expanding the dialogue.

3.  Complete the "I can" chart.

4.  Make flashcards from the vocabulary lists (two cards for each word, illustrated, with the word written below).  Use the flashcards to play Memory, Old Maid, maybe even Go Fish (looking for pairs instead of groups of four); study the flashcards to review vocabulary.  Suggestion: if possible, use card stock or scrapbook mat paper to make the flashcards, because otherwise you'll probably be able to see the image from the other side.  Index cards seem to be too thin.

Friday, March 11, 2016

NT: devoirs from 3/10

1.  Complete the "faire du velo" vocabulary worksheet.

2.  Practice repeating the "faire du velo" dialogue (after I send it to you).

3.  Complete the question worksheet.
4.  Do the "I can..." self-assessment.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

GR: devoirs from 3/5

1.  Read pages 1-2 of the Roule galette script aloud once a day.

2.  Color the "D" worksheet.

3.  Practice singing Lundi matin :

Friday, March 4, 2016

NT: devoirs from 3/3

1.  Continue editing and expanding the dialogue between Jules César and Cléopâtre.

2.  Practice reading aloud the "vélo" dialogue.

3. Copy the vocabulary words from the "vélo" dialogue (handout).

Sunday, February 28, 2016

GR: Tourne, tourne petit moulin

Many, many versions of Tourne, tourne petit mouin exist.  Here's the one that we learned together:

Thursday, February 11, 2016

NT: devoirs from 2/11

1.  Review the verbe être with this video.

2.  Read the mots interrogatifs handout and write down what the question words mean in English.

3.  Practice être & adjectifs by completing the sentences on the Roule galette worksheet.

4.  Continue rehearsing Roule galette for the performance on 2/18!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Thursday, February 4, 2016

NT: devoirs from 2/4

1.  Prepare a "chercher l'intrus" activity with the new vocabulary (adjectives).  Make sets of three related words, then add an unrelated word.  For example: heureux, ravi, triste, content.  Aim for 6-8 sets of words.

2.  Jules César worksheet with être.

3.  Continue working on your JC-Cléopâtre dialogue.

4.  Practice singing "Mains en l'air."

Monday, February 1, 2016

GR: devoirs from 1/29

1.  Finish the "chercher l'intrus" worksheet.
2.  Finish the "mots cachés" word search.
3.  Color as many of the alphabet coloring pages as you want.
4.  Keep watching the alphabet videos from last week and be prepared to tell me which one is your favorite and why.
5.  Check out some of these new alphabet videos and games, which will help you practice pronouncing the letters along with some words that start with those letters.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

NT: devoirs from 1/28

1.  Practice replying to questions 6, 14, & 15.

2. Page 23, ex D & E.

3.  Jules César & Cléopâtre dialogue.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

NT: devoirs from 1/21

1.  Finish the "descriptions" worksheet.

2.  See how many of the questions you can answer (from the "questions" page) without looking at your notes, and then practice saying the answers for all of them out loud.

3.  Continue to practice the "Spot It" vocabulary flashcards--we'll try the game again at the playdate on Sunday!

4.  Read the photocopied page about forming questions.

Bonus: Check out these different versions of the crocodile song--what vocabulary words do you recognize from "Roule Galette" and "Jules César"?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016

NT: devoirs from 1/15

1. Finish worksheet: Jules César vrai/faux.
2. Finish worksheet: Jules César adjectifs/infinitifs.
3. Finish worksheet: Famille adjectifs/infinitifs.
4. Practice "Spot It" vocabulary words with flashcards.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

NT: devoirs from 1/12

1.  Read "La vraie vie de Jules César" aloud several times.
2.  Complete the Caesar/Cleopatra worksheet.
3.  Practice the alphabet and recent vocabulary by playing "Le pendu" (Hangman).
4.  Reread page 38 and explain to your dad in your own words what "subject pronouns" and "infinitives" are and what it means to "conjugate verbs."
5.  Chant the conjugation of "être" at least five times a day!  (Use the sound file I will email your dad.)